
Account interface

Refer to Account vs Wallet to understand the difference between Account and Wallet interface

type Account = {
address: Address;
estimateGas?: (tx: PreparedTransaction) => Promise<bigint>;
onTransactionRequested?: (
transaction: PreparedTransaction<any>,
) => Promise<void>;
sendBatchTransaction?: (
txs: Array<SendTransactionOption>,
) => Promise<SendTransactionResult>;
sendRawTransaction?: (
tx: SendRawTransactionOptions,
) => Promise<SendTransactionResult>;
sendTransaction: (
tx: SendTransactionOption,
) => Promise<SendTransactionResult>;
signAuthorization?: (
authorization: AuthorizationRequest,
) => Promise<SignedAuthorization>;
signMessage: ({
}: {
message: SignableMessage;
}) => Promise<Hex>;
signTransaction?: (tx: SerializableTransaction) => Promise<Hex>;
signTypedData: (
_typedData: ox__TypedData.Definition<typedData, primaryType>,
) => Promise<Hex>;
watchAsset?: (asset: WatchAssetParams) => Promise<boolean>;